About Us

Who We Are

Sickle Cell Association of Uganda

Sickle Cell Association of Uganda is now one of the grass roots organization representing the interests of Sickle Cell patients and their care givers in Uganda. We strive to change the perception that the majority of the population has in Uganda about the disease – that those who have this disease are worthless people in society, worthy of stigmatizing and discriminating against. Through awareness raising, counselling and education we strive to improve the lives of these families. 

Our Mission

Creating awareness and early testing of the sickle cell disease while ensuring a healthy life for those suffering from the disease

Our Vision

A Sickle cell Free Uganda

our Strategic objectives

a) Create AWARENESS of sickle cell disease

b) Provide ACCESSIBLE and AFFORDABLE screening and treatment of the sickle cell disease

c) Offer SUPPORT and ADVOCACY for those affected by the sickle cell disease

d) Cater for sexual and reproductive health and rights for people living with sickle cell disease

e) Cater for the protection of environment as weather is a major factor when it comes to the health of our people

f) Livelihood, we make sure that people living with sickle cell disease live a better life through family livelihood projects

In pursuing these strategic objectives it is hoped that the following outcomes will be realized:

a) Reduced Sickle cell Incidence rate; and

b) Reduced mortality rate among those with the sickle cell disease

c) People with sickle cell disease will have sexual and reproductive knowledge and rights

d) People with sickle cell disease will have an improved way of life through the livelihood programs

e) The environment will be protected and families will be taught how to plant trees and manage them for future benefits

Together, we can work towards a future where every individual living with sickle cell disease receives the care, support, and respect they deserve.